Jamie van Dam

Jamie van Dam is a graduate of the 2003-2007 Victoria Feldenkrais Teacher Training where he studied with many well respected Feldenkrais trainers: Jeff Haller, Jerry Karzen, Beatriz Walterspiel, Alan Questel, Katrin Smithback and Bonnie Humiston. Under their guidance he completed the 800 hour training program which focused primarily on discovering awareness; the principles and strategies of learning; the self image and its development and functional, developmental and structural types of movements.

Jamie has been studying Buddha Dharma with Lama Mark Webber since 2001 and had the good fortune to also study with the Lama’s root teacher, the late Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche. During that time Jamie received the novice ordination from Rinpoche, which Jamie practiced and held for a number of years.

Jamie was Lama Mark Webber’s principal attendant for five years, during which he helped organize international retreats, group travel and teachings. Since that time, Jamie has continued periodically as an attendant to the Lama, assisting in his scientific research and teaching Awareness Through Movement classes during retreats.

Jamie has completed numerous short and long term meditation retreats both self-directed and under the guidance of the Lama including a five month personal retreat, a five month Ngöndro and Insight retreat, a four month Abhidhamma and Insight retreat, and a three month Vajra Yogini retreat.

Jamie is a business and barista trainer with the Canadian Barista Institute. The Institute offers courses on how to open a coffee business as well as training barista’s for specialty coffee employment. As a foster barista Jamie has trained, managed and helped open many cafes. He also works behind the scenes for Barista Canada, which is an organization that promotes Canadian Specialty Coffee Competitions and community events.

Jamie is a Visiting Teacher at the Queenstown Dharma Centre, NZ and an Authorized Teacher at the Crystal Mountain Society Retreat & Study Centre on Galiano Island, BC