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As a health care professional who works with trauma & who is personally addressing symptoms from a brain injury & is aging. I know of no finer & effective way of managing & seeing improvements in the care of the pain & confusion that comes from difficult to diagnose & treatment of symptoms. Jamie’s inquiring mind, solid foundation in the feldenkrais method & Meditation & ever curiosity in the science behind the work, makes this a very safe place & effective way for both healing & deepening:
“what it means to restore function & feel alive again.”
Thank you Jamie,for your generous giving of this work!

Saskia Soeterik, May 2024

Thank you beyond!! You have such a special way of unfolding surprises and nuggets !! My spine brain  and soul are so grateful!! Can’t wait for your next set of classes!! Thank you hugely!!

Nan Vernon, October 22nd, 2022

“Everything about this course was a delight. I found the approach surprisingly spacious and very skilful. Each guided session was a discovery and the results are remarkably effective. Thank you Jamie. Highly recommended!”
Marta Castiglioni, October 21st, 2022

“I would recommend these classes to any one who is experiencing pain, foggy brain & in general the onset of stiffness & movement restrictions that comes with an aging body. Until this workshop, I would not have believed I could free up some of these chronic stuck places.  Working with the eyes & breath in conjunction with the differentiating movements seem to be the key. Jamie keeps me engaged & interested in the lessons. Looking forward to more explorative workshops,
Thank you,”

Saskia Soeterik , October 20th, 2022

“The Feldenkrais Intensive with Jamie was an enriching and powerful experience. His teaching methods inspire to explore with joy and curiosity and provide the tools to integrate the practice into daily life. Highly recommended!”
Marion Herlet, October 20th, 2022

“Jamie is a great teacher for both new and experienced students of Feldenkrais – highly recommended!”
Travis Hamel Olsen, October 20th, 2022

” Thank you Jamie for sharing your knowledge with us. I learned so much with your gentle suggestions, humour and perspective. My body is grateful! I look forward to your return and the next workshop. “
Nancy McPhee, October 19th, 2022

” It was a real joy to meet Jamie for Feldenkrais sessions. He is a very experienced and caring person to work with. His knowledge about the interconnectedness of mind and body is quite amazing and helped me a lot to create new healthy habit patterns for better living. I sincerely recommend! “
Ludovick Hardy, August 19th, 2019

“It was not Feldenkrais, but it was Jamie’s wisdom which worked.

Jamie was my first Feldenkrais practitioner, and I really enjoyed his sessions. He truly cares about his clients and is fully present.  He is able to just be there for me without trying to change anything, which allows my body to unfold in a most natural and comfortable way as to maximize its potential. You have to try it and see for yourself.

I live far away from where he is located, so I tried other local Feldenkrais practitioners. No one came close to what he offered. Soon I realized that it was not only the Feldenkrais method, but his depth of understanding of Dharma worked for me as well. I ended up with asking him for online sessions. I am so grateful to have met such a great Dharma and Feldenkrais practitioner. “

Kazumi Miyata, PMP, CPC. January 29th, 2019

” Jamie is well practiced and articulate in Feldenkrais; that’s a masterfully designed system of movement patterns which over ride neuromuscular habit, and open the potential for greater efficiency, range, and ease. Jamie’s leadership establishes a spacious, deep relaxation, and a patient but relentless attentiveness, with an interest in notable differences. He directs you to slowly, thoroughly follow, even alter the movement you are doing. He helps you recognize detail and gain understanding. As Jamie leads you methodically through the sessions you will increasingly appreciate him, Feldenkrais, and the ability to clarify, change and expand your own actions, … and life activities, besides simply relax!”
Tory Jones, Mother, Massage Therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner. October 16th , 2007

“ I can’t believe the profound changes that I feel in my body after one of Jamie’s classes. He has an innate understanding of how the body moves which allows him to guide students through movements to help unlearn old, ineffective patterns of holding. I am an avid walker; Jamie’s Feldenkrais classes have allowed me to walk with an ease of movement that I didn’t know was possible. ”Tara Coulter

“ Feldenkrais can eventually change your posture and the way you dissipate tension from the inside out. I do not feel the need for chiropractic or massage because I have control over the way i hold myself up against gravity in a non tension producing manner. My breathing mechanisms are more efficient and more sustaining of continuous activity ” Jocelyn Abrams