How is Feldenkrais different from yoga?

Feldenkrais and yoga are both forms of movement and physical therapy that can have similar goals. However, they are different in their approach and the way they achieve these goals.

The Feldenkrais Method focuses on working with the nervous system to improve movement efficiency, reduce pain, and increase flexibility. It is based on the idea that habits in movement patterns and posture can restrict physical and mental functioning, and that by becoming aware of and changing these habits, individuals can improve their overall well-being.

Yoga, on the other hand, is a physical and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. Its focus is on postures, breathing, and meditation, with the goal of achieving union with the divine. Yoga postures are meant to stretch and strengthen the body while promoting inner peace and mental clarity.

While both practices can have similar goals and outcomes, the approach, techniques, and philosophy are different. Yoga is more focused on postures and physical alignment, while the Feldenkrais Method is more focused on improving movement patterns and neural functioning.

Ultimately, both Feldenkrais and yoga can be valuable practices for improving physical and mental well-being, and the choice between the two may depend on individual goals, preferences, and needs.



