Author: Jamie van Dam
Mindfulness Intensive
Mindfulness Intensive at the Dharma Centre of Canada
Dundas Ontario Ongoing Classes
Check here to register or to find more classes and dates.
Feldenkrais for Meditators
For newcomers to Feldenkrais who are curious about how I integrate it with my background in meditation, here’s my perspective
Mindfulness Intensive
June 14 to 16, 2024 at the Dharma Centre of Canada 1267 Galway Road, Kinmount, Ontario
Mindfulness Intensive
May 9th to 12th, 2024 on Galiano Island, BC. Sponsored by Crystal Mountain
The Inner Yoga practice of Anapanasati
Jamie will be assisting with Feldenkrais Awareness through movement explorations in the following retreat…
23rd Crystal Mountain Retreat
Jamie will be assisting with Feldenkrais Awareness through movement sessions in the following retreat
Feldenkrais on Galiano
Classes open to the public from July 19 to 23, 2023
The Joy of Awareness Through Movement
Feldenkrais Intensive on Galiano Island
South Hall and North Hall classes open to the public from February 23 to the 26, 2023
Feldenkrais Intensive
In this 5-day intensive from October 14 to 18, 2022, you will explore Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement lessons that will help you…
Working Backwards
Once you try doing this a couple times it will make more sense.
Changes not being felt? What should I do?
When you practise the lesson, remember that you are observing and not fixing anything. The modality itself doesn’t matter, you could literally do any movement, as long as you are observing with mindfulness and noticing the awareness of the experience itself.
Dharma, Qi Gong and Coffee with Nicolina Sebok and Jamie van Dam
Medical Qi Gong focuses on cultivating Qi (energy), balancing the organ meridians and offering health benefits. We will explore both movement and sitting/standing practices.
Meditative Feldenkrais Classes in Queenstown, NZ
This will be an urban weekend retreat filled with guided movements and awareness questions to help support and deeply relax you both mentally and physically into a natural meditative state of being.
Effectiveness of Cleaning Methods for Investigating Diatoms
Recent developments in electron microscopy facilities include instruments for cleaning such as the plasma cleaner, UV (Zone) cleaner and sputtering by focused ion beam (FIB)
Releasing Tension through the Feldenkrais Method
Perhaps making a change is more complex then just doing it?
I Want To Do What I Love Doing!
How often do you hear yourself or a friend say I can’t do what I love to do because of a physical injury ?
Lucid Mind note from Jamie
It was my experience, practicing Vipassana and Mahamudra was both easeful and accessible, following 4 months of slowing down and integrating meditation and Foundation Practices into my life
Basics of Buddhism
Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Buddha set out to solve a fundamental human problem.